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 > eCommerce  > What should I do, customers abandon their shopping carts?

What should I do, customers abandon their shopping carts?

Did you know that the typical shopping cart abandonment rate for online retailers varies between 60% and 80%, with an average of 67.91%. In this article we will look at one best tip that help in getting customers back to the website and this is not abandoned cart email.

When the numbers are this alarming; the strategy to deal with the issue certainly needs to be multi dimensional. Retailers can still come out with solutions for ( such as price/ features- though they have limited choice in terms of what can be offered in the both given competition).

There are a variety of other factors which need attentionsuch as the following :

  1. Provide free or flat shipping – and make it visible
  2. Eliminate hidden charges
  3. Make cart items visible at all times
  4. Reduce the number of pages involved in the checkout process – One page checkout is best
  5. Have a wide variety of payment options. Not necessary but would be beneficial
  6. Give exclusive discount to be used at checkout
  7. Remind customers of their abandoned carts. Prompt a alert if someone click to away from checkout page. You can offer some discount with alert, this will increase chances of success.

It’s easy to forget that customers scrutinize every move they make once they reach the checkout. Every field, every bit of copy, every logo, is scrutinized and processed, even if only on a subconscious level, especially if they’ve never bought from you before. As you can see, these tips aren’t just for improving conversion rates, they help make for a better customer experience as well.

Understanding this, if you’re proactive in finding ways reduce fears, increase trust, and reiterating the reasons people decided to buy from you, you just may be able to get more people moving from the checkout to becoming an actual customer. By applying even just a few of these tips to your shopping cart, you might see your sales increase, while providing a better, easier online shopping experience for your customers as well.

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How To Get Customer Back To Your Website After Cart Abandonment

After implementing the changes on your website it’s time to look at what you can do if the shopper still decides to leave without purchasing.

There are lot of steps for recovering abandon carts like Use Push Notifications and Send Emails by sending abandoned cart email but where We’ll explore the most powerful ways to deal with abandoned carts.

Ad Re-targeting

“2% of shoppers convert on the first visit to an online store. Re-targeting brings back the other 98%. Re-targeting works by keeping track of people who visit your site and displaying your [re-targeting] ads to them as they visit other sites online.”

The above diagram from Retargeter shows how the process works. A shopper comes to your website and leaves without purchasing. You can then use a service like Google Adwords, AdRoll, or Retargeter to display the ads you choose to that shopper as they visit other sites online.

The re-targeting ads you display can be as targeted as you want. If a buyer comes to your site to purchase a hat, you can have re-targeting ads of that same hat show up when the shopper is on a news or music website for example, as long as those sites accept the ads – and many of the top sites online these days do. Try re-targeting ads along with your abandoned cart email and see which provider better ROI. Do not forget to let me know if the comment below.

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Many online retailers are losing money each and every day due to cart abandonment. By implementing the techniques and tools you’ve learned about in this article you can get more shoppers to complete your checkout process the first time. And if they do decide to abandon cart, and some always will, you’re well equipped to get them back to your website to complete their purchase. Put these ideas to work and you’ll be well on your way to increase your store’s sales.

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