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Increase Your Online Sales By Email Marketing

Ecommerce is one of the most flourishing businesses out there today. Ecommerce sales are on the rise and more and more people are opting for online shopping instead of conventional methods. But the world is a dynamic and fast-moving one. The idea is to keep looking for ways to increase your online sales. In this context, email marketing tends to be a rather popular and effective option.

By focusing on email marketing, you could increase the sales of your eCommerce company by 10%! Here are some tips that could generate more revenue from your online business! 

Tip 1 – Do you collect email addresses from all the visitors that come to your site? More often than not, eCommerce sites fail to do it. But the simple activity of collecting all these addresses could change the face of your business.

 The visitors on your site are not always going to make a purchase there. They might just be looking around. The idea is to get them to leave their email addresses so that they can be contacted later on. An interesting way to do that is to give them an incentive. For instance, if they are rewarded a $10 coupon or free shipping, they would be more inclined to drop their contact information! 

Tip 2 – Start sending out marketing copies! And this does not mean an advertisement of everything that your site sells. When you collect the email addresses from the website, you would have to put good use to them. In other words, you will have to create relevant content and send it across to them.

For instance, if the visitor has gone through the toilet paper section on your website, it would be ideal to send them a material that describes and advertises your toilet paper section. It would be pointless to send some a flyer about the television section since their interest lies in something else. The idea is to send out relevant content to get their interest. 

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Tip 3 – Having a smart checkout process could also increase your online sales revenue. How does this work? When a potential buyer checks out from the product page, the first page should include the name and email address information. Once the user submits that, the second page would lead to the credit card information.

In this way, if the user fails to go through with the credit card payment, you would still have their contact details to follow up and ask them to complete checkout. 

Tip 4 – Categorize your email list into people who have made at least one purchase in the past and the people who are new to the site. You could always contact the first category of people to up-sell products, cross-sell products and get them to be more frequent on your website. This will help you market without spending money on ads! 

Tip 5 – Get the users to subscribe on your website. This is a useful tip since this can get the users to share their contact information. If they are visiting your site and they are a potential buyer, get them interested by collecting their email ID and sending them suitable marketing material!

The Wrap Up

As is evident, email marketing could play an important role in enhancing your online sales. What are your views on this? Let us know in the comments below.

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