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 > eCommerce  > How to Drive External Traffic to Amazon/Flipkart Product listings
Drive External Traffic to Amazon-Flipkart Product

How to Drive External Traffic to Amazon/Flipkart Product listings

So you already own an online store, and also sell your products on eCommerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart? In this article we will look at steps for sending external traffic to amazon for improving product sales.

Let me ask, Did the thought of promoting your products outside Amazon and Flipkart ever cross your mind?


Well, you should start thinking in this direction actively!

Why, you ask?

This is because promoting your products outside the eCommerce stores will bring more traffic to your Amazon listing. This will, eventually, improve your ranking on Amazon and Flipkart and boost your conversion rate.

Reasons Why You Must Drive External Traffic to Your Amazon and Flipkart Product Listings

Boost your keyword rankings

The idea is pretty simple – more traffic attracts more sales. Further, since most eCommerce platforms consider the number of sales as the sole factor in their search engine algorithm, this will translate to better keyword rankings.

Thus, drive as much traffic to your Amazon listing as you can. You will be able to close more sales, while also additionally, getting better traction.

Get over the competition

You will agree with us that selling products on common eCommerce marketplaces has become increasingly tough. As if making to the top of the organic results was not easy, the Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands have further added to the woes.

The best bet here is to start advertising your products on other channels. This will help you in building awareness about your product and drive sales.

All these reasons are convincing enough as to why you must drive traffic to your Amazon listing to boost your sales. But how do you that? Let’s find out.

Driving Traffic to eCommerce Marketplaces Effortlessly

Optimize your listing

No matter how much traffic you bring to your product listing, if it is not properly written and presented, it is hardly going to make any sales, ever!

Thus, before you even set your foot in the market, it is highly recommended to optimize your listing on the basis of various parameters – keyword optimization, sales language, clear images, and descriptive copy with the right mix of bullets, and subheading.

Select the right channel

Once you are confident of your listing and want to promote it, it is highly recommended to select the right channels. Not all channels are the same, and not all channels are going to attract the same amount of traffic to you.

You can start exploring Facebook Ads and see how it goes for your business. It is highly recommended to target people based on their demographics and interests for the best results. Alternatively, you can also try influencer marketing by connecting with the influencers in your niche and asking them to promote your products.

Email marketing is another easy way to gain the required traction. The entire method is not only cost-effective but yields great output too.

Other channels through which you can promote your products include blogs, SEO, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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Avoid sending the acquired traffic to your listing

You might find it hard to believe but sending direct external traffic to your Amazon product is never recommended. It hurts you in two ways. First, Amazon might punish you, and this might hurt your Amazon keyword rankings. Second, you lose the chance of gaining information about your leads.

The best way here is to gather the contact information of the leads before they land on to your Amazon listing. This way, you will stay in line with the Amazon (or other eCommerce marketplaces) rules, and will also be able to gather important details. You should visit GrrupX to see how can you create an effective landing for your product.

What’s more, this will also help you in boosting your conversion rates.

Have a quality sales funnel for external traffic

If you want to make the most out of your product listing, it is important that you craft your sales funnel in the right manner. The right sales funnel will help you in boosting the quality of your traffic, skip out the people who are not going to make a purchase anyway, help in better re-targeting, and capturing contact details.

The Wrap Up

As eCommerce marketplaces are getting flooded with more and more sellers, it is becoming increasingly tough to stay on top of all the things and to attract the required amount of traffic.

Thankfully, there is enough in your hands through which you can earn huge revenue. The best way here is to attract traction through external traffic. This will not only help you in closing more sales, building awareness, but will also help you in ranking higher ion marketplaces, thus boosting organic sales.

It is important to mention here – do not let your external traffic go waste. Instead, build insightful data by capturing the important details of the leads before they land on to your product listing. This will help you in retargeting the leads and get an edge over your competitors.

So what are your views on this? How do you promote your products outside Amazon? Let us know in the comments below.

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