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Tested Amazon Selling Hacks – Tips to Crush Your Competition

Amazon, the behemoth of a marketplace every brand wants to be present in. Amazon the biggest retailer across the world presents a wonderful opportunity for brands big and small, new and old to reach out to their prospective consumers and increase sales.

Approximately 50% of consumers worldwide now begin their search for any product on Amazon. Of that 50 % of consumers, the conversion ratio goes as high as 92%.

Yet, it is not as easy as it seems. The main reason being the continuous shift in sellers’ landscape and Amazon’s policies. Amazon is constantly expanding its product catalog and enjoys unprecedented customer loyalty. Thus, it is of utmost importance that you make your presence felt on Amazon.

Here are the tips you can use to increase your sales figures:

Product Page Optimization

A product page on Amazon consists of many parts viz. Product title, Ratings, Reviews, Pricing, Features, etc.

Page title

Extremely crucial for driving sales because when a consumer searches for a certain product, the first thing that he sees is the product title. So, ensure that the product title has all the necessary information (USPs) you wish your consumer must know in order to make an informed decision. That may include a brand name, size, material, etc.

Bullet points

 A must-have as most of the consumers go through these to figure out if the product fits their needs or not. For example, in the image below the brand is informing the consumer about all the USPs of the mattress i.e. it is pressure-relieving memory foam that is gel-infused with medium-plush firmness.

Product description

Another key area that can be optimized to give as much relevant information to your consumer as possible. This may include the weight and dimension of the product, warranty period, and so on.

Title and bullet points are the top priority area that can help you increase your sales numbers as most consumers might not even scroll down to read further.

Identify New Keywords

Just like what you do on Google to rank higher on the search list, you must continuously look for new keywords to promote your products Amazon search. There are a few ways to improve your Amazon search results:

Amazon Search Term Results

Amazon publishes this report where you can find out what keywords bring up your products in the search list and how their performance is. This will help you in better planning on Amazon and place your bids accordingly to increase search volume. 

Other search engines

You can also employ search engines such as Google, Bing, and others in order to improve your search ratings.

Remember, there is no sacrosanct rule to customer behavior on a digital platform. So make sure that you test all your keyword campaigns as much as possible.

Defend Your Brand

 As mentioned earlier, Amazon is the fastest growing platform in the world and will triple in size in the next three years. While this presents a whole lot of new opportunities for various brands on the platform, it also results in fierce competition amongst the brands. One of the key areas where this competition can be witnessed is in the cross-bedding on competition keywords. Most brands, in order to achieve higher sales, bid on the competition keywords to lure away the customer.

For example, look at this product page from iRobot

You will notice that Neato has placed its own display ad at the bottom to pull the customer over to their side.

To defend your brand on Amazon from any such activity, you can occupy all the top spots to prevent any other brand from coming up.

Take a look at Classic Brands. When a customer searches for Classic Brands on Amazon:

Classic Brands own all the space in the headline search,

And also all the top slots in the sponsored product section.

This way the brand ensures that customers don’t see any other brand when they look for Classic Brands.

This is one classic example where the Brand targeted their chosen keywords to rank higher on product and headline search. Along with this, you can also place your product ads on different product pages from your own catalog as complementary products to upsell or cross-sell.

Find More Reviews

It is a known fact that consumers read reviews when they go online to buy a product. About 91% of consumers online consider reviews as a personal recommendations. And at approx. 82% of consumers buy a certain product after being influenced by the reviews online.

Thus, it becomes very important to get reviews for your products on Amazon. Reviews also help in improving the listing on Amazon. More the number of reviews, more likely it is to be picked up from a bouquet of similar products. You can also give incentives to the consumer for writing positive reviews about your product.

Quality Product Shots

 Before a consumer even reads the first word that is written in the product description on your product page, it is the product image that catches his/her attention. So, make sure that you have good quality photos of your product. Follow these simple guidelines to get a collection of good quality picture:

  • Use as much natural light as possible.
  • Avoid using flash or auto mode on the camera.
  • Make sure that the camera is on a stable plain.
  • Take shots from as many angles as possible.

Wrapping Up

These are just a few tips to help you increase your sales numbers but there is so much more you can do to plan your Amazon store and improve turnover for your brand.

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