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How to Boost Conversions for Newly Opened Stores

How to Boost Conversions for Newly Opened Stores

Ask a newly launched eCommerce store-owner as to what is of most importance to them, and without blinking an eye, they will say — traffic.

Undoubtedly, most ecommerce store owners are obsessed with traffic so much so that they only focus on enhancing the traffic influx without ever trying enough to improve their conversion rate.

So, what is a Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate is the measure of the number of website visitors who convert on an offer or make a purchase or perform the desired action.

Mathematically, the conversion rate can be expressed as:

Total number of sales/ Number of leads *100

If you don’t focus enough on the conversion rate, it will be tough for you to measure the success of your marketing efforts and if they are performing well or not.

That said, here is a 10-point checklist that will help you in driving the conversions on your store:

1. Can your visitors find the different products on your store easily?

One of the biggest reasons which hinder your conversion rate is the fact that most visitors find it tough to find the right set of products — the ones they are looking for, on your website.

As a result, your shoppers feel frustrated when they are searching for a product, and are served with a totally unrelated search item. This dips your conversion rate drastically as the shopper is not getting what they are looking to have.

Thus, it is highly recommended to boost your on-site search results for a better conversion rate.

2. Are your product descriptions and titles convincing enough?

Because if they are not, the chances are high that your shopper will not take any action. You might not see this coming but product titles and descriptions play an important role in the customer’s buying journey as they tell the shopper what the product is all about.

It is highly recommended to write product titles and descriptions which provide quick information on what the product is like. This could enhance your conversion rate by up to 78%!

3. Are your product images stunning enough?

Believe us or not, high-quality product images can tempt a shopper to buy a certain product even when they had no plans of buying it earlier!

Thus, make sure that you play your cards right and showcase high-resolution images on your website. As a matter of fact, high-quality product photos are three times more likely to convert when compared to the poor-quality images.

You could also choose to provide a 360-degree view of the product for your shopper to make a well-informed decision

4. Do you offer a single page checkout?

No one wants to go through the lengthy checkout process. While we understand that the checkout page is one of the best ways to know your customers better and collect their information, but it is also one of the areas that your customers seriously hate.

It is highly recommended to optimize your check out page for better conversions. Shorten the process, and ask only as much information as is really required. Providing an option of guest check-out is another great option.

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5. Are you making the most out of lead magnets yet?

Lead magnets help you acquire leads. Generally, content-based lead magnets perform better as customers are more likely to share their information in exchange for some good quality content. The most successful ones include downloadable content like DIY guides, whitepapers and so on.

Lead magnets not only help you in convincing your customers to take a certain action, but they also help in their buying journey overall. According to an estimate, lead magnets drive sales conversions as 61% of consumer buying decisions are influenced by quality content!

6. Is your up-selling and cross-selling strategy on point?

Make the most out of every opportunity that you have. Whenever shoppers are purchasing a product on your store, make sure that they don’t exit your website just with one item.

Instead, upsell and cross-sell them. How about suggesting mobile phone covers and other accessories when they buy a mobile phone? Or, suggesting them a superior product of what they are buying now?

Simple tactics like these can boost your conversion rates noticeably.

7. Is your website trust worthy enough?

If you are a newly opened store, trust is one factor that will need to build to get the maximum traction from your customers.
Shoppers not only want to buy legit and authentic products but they also want to ensure that the platform from where they are buying is trustworthy enough.

Thus, it is highly recommended to display social proof. How about adding customer reviews and product feedback? Having a neat contact us page, and links to social media accounts on your website will also help.

8. Do you offer last-minute deals to your about-to-exit customers?

Believe us or not, 70% of visitors end up abandoning their shopping carts. This impacts your conversion rate adversely.

Do not let the visitors go without making a purchase. Instead, try to acquire them through exit-intent strategies. You need to recognize when the customer is about to abandon a cart. As soon as the customer presses the exit button, you need to remind them that they are abandoning their shopping cart with the help of a pop-up message.

You could also choose to offer them with a last-minute deal which they will lose if they exit it now.

9. Do you have a countdown timer?

Try to citrate a sense of urgency and add a countdown timer to your promotions. Most consumers feel that they will complete their purchase at a later point in time, and abandon their shopping carts.

This is when adding a countdown timer helps. Show them that they only have a few hours left after which they will lose the deal. This will boost your conversation rates considerably.

10. Do you offer free shipping?

Although we are against free shipping as it puts unwanted stress on your finances, if you can manage to afford, offering free shipping is a great idea.

If you are a new store, it will serve as a quick inspiration for your customers to try their products. Offering free shipping, particularly during busy seasons like holiday and festive season, could prove to be highly favorable.

The Wrap Up

As is evident, boosting your conversation rate is easy. All you need to do is put yourself in the shoes of your customer, and understand their requirements.

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