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Best Ways to Double Your eCommerce Sales

While setting up your digital store is the first major step in selling your products online, sales will not happen by merely having a store.

Let’s look at some measures to boost your eCommerce sales by almost double.

Specialized Offering

One of the biggest mistakes that many marketers make today is launching a bouquet of new products on their website and then diverting all the resources to bring in traffic for all of them. There is absolutely no study that suggests that having an extensive array of products is key to success in the e-commerce world.

Instead, the marketers can utilise all its focus in innovating, researching and making their products the best in the market. Look at Casper, who shook the sleep industry with its ‘mattress in the box strategy’. Casper came out with a mattress that could fit in the box and today Casper is approximately 500 million dollar company.

So, find a pain point in your consumer’s life and try to alleviate that as innovatively as possible and your job is done.

Implement Upsells

Any good salesman will tell you that the best sale is when you convince your customers to buy something along with what they came looking for. This is the art of upselling. According to a study by Predictive Intent, upsells have 20 times more worth than cross-sells.

Upselling can involve either asking the consumer to upgrade or simply offer something that goes with their product.

Apple gives its consumers a choice to upgrade to a better processor before they check out. Adding an option like this might prompt your consumer to buy the expensive option whilst adding to your revenue bucket and will help in boosting eCommerce sales by double..


You have a good product. You have identified your consumers and their pain points. But there is something more you ought to do.


Letting your consumers know that you have something that could make their life easier is essential to any business. You can get the help of Google and Facebook in this matter. Ads on these two platforms will get you to the doorsteps of your consumer, so to speak. Facebook and Google allow you to customise your content/ad to suit your consumers’ needs and target your consumer specifically. However, there are a few things you must do first:

  • Choose a specific segment of your market
  • Build your buyer’s persona and list down their interests
  • Use this information to target ads

Subscriptions/Royalty Programs

You did all the good work and got the consumer to come to your website and buy your product. The journey doesn’t end here though. You would want the consumer to keep on purchasing from you and in the future recommend you/your product to their friends and families. This can be done by simply carrying out a loyalty program.

Loyalty programs are more than just reward points that a consumer accrues post-purchase. Today many brands are using loyalty programs to effectively engage with consumers by asking them to review the products, posting their experiences on social media and more.

Cart Abandonment E-mailers

Shopping cart abandonment is the biggest issue faced by eCommerce websites across the board. A new study suggests that the Global Average Cart Abandonment Rate today stands at about 80%. Brands are engaging in several ways to bring back consumers with attractive offers and promotions. Much of this is done by sending emailers promptly and consistently at regular intervals. These emailers have information such as:

  • How the product can benefit the user
  • Reviews and ratings of previous buyers

Discounts and Bundle Offers

InboxArmy found out that approximately 75% of people who leave a shopping cart have an intent to return at some point. And about 60% of e-mailers sent out to address the cart abandonment issue turn up in sales. All you need to do is optimise your e-mailers as much as possible and you will see a spike in your overall sales.

Optimize Checkout Process

A huge part of card abandonment that happens is prompted because of the one or the other factor in the payment process. Most eCommerce websites have very limited payment options which can be a concern with a lot of users. It is always advisable to include and explore all the different payment avenues available to ease the process for your consumer. Look at this payment page of AllPosters

You will find every possible payment option available here including making the payment by phone or over an email.

Referral Programs

The best form of advertising you can get is when your consumer talks about you to his/her friends and families. Nielsen found out in one of their studies that referrals/word-of-mouth advertising ranks highest amongst all forms of advertising. But it always needn’t be organic. With a simple strategy, you can convince your consumers in spreading the word, whilst you steer the conversation and keep a tab on the progress. The leads generated this way:

  • Trust the Brand more
  • Have a higher purchase rate
  • Are loyal even before they began

However, if you want something from your consumer you must always be ready to give something back. It is imperative to find out what your consumers are looking for, then provide them with the same in order to get more consumers on board. For instance, Prize Candle informs a consumer about their referral program upfront.

Follow these tips and you will certainly see more than 50% hike in your sales in no time. The key to digital marketing is experimenting. Set your goal and then play with all the available tools at your disposal. You will find the sweet spot favorable for your business.

If you know some more tips, do not forget to shared with in comment below. Your comments may help other online sellers to double their eCommerce sales.

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