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5 Proven Social Media Strategies for Your Online Store

5 Proven Social Media Strategies for Your Online Store

Get your brand on social media effectively and watch it double up on its growth. Do not believe us?

About 65% of social media users end up buying some product via social media.

So how do you get started? Here are some of the best social media strategies that you should adopt for your online store. Check out.

1. Choose your platform wisely

The first step to social media marketing is to choose the platform that works best. Right now, the biggest market player has been Facebook as it is the highest generator of sales done via social media. So, starting with Facebook is a good idea, in general.

  • There are other platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and so on which can help you reach a specific consumer base that caters to your product niche.
  • Identify your customers, their demographics and see which social media they prefer. That is where you will have to concentrate. Understanding your customer is the key to any social media strategy.
  • As a general rule, start with Facebook as it has the most number of users and build your other strategies on top of it.

2. Ensure brand consistency

Your social media presence has to feel authentic and identical to your core product branding. All your posts, promotional videos, images, and content must be consistent across all platforms. They should closely mirror your actual product site in terms of design, color codes, logos, and product description.

  • Social media works on a personal level with the audience and hence maintaining a consistent image is necessary to build trust and familiarity with your product among your audience.
  • The customer should feel the same experience across all platforms.

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3. Develop a content strategy and a consistent calendar

Consumers love consistency. Having a consistent schedule on your social media content helps you stick to a standard. Plan ahead and follow a strict schedule so that your customers know when to expect new content from you. This makes sure your content does not go unnoticed as your audience know when to expect them.

  • For instance, if you start putting up videos every Friday, your audience will get used to it and will start looking for new content every Friday. This can also be a self-disciplining task that provides consistency to your own campaigns.
  • Constant engagement is the core aspect of social media marketing as it requires consistent efforts.

4. Focus on ads

Connect your analytics right when you create your profiles. This has to be an early step that will gather enough customer data for you to run efficient re-targeting ads at a later stage.

  • Create specific ads powered by previously collected data. These re-targeting ads will help you retain customers who made a previous purchase or showed interest in your products.
  • Re-targeted ads work like reminders to social media users nudging them to take a look at your products again thereby bringing back customers and driving successful sales. Make use of them effectively.
  • Meanwhile, do focus on the usual ad campaigns on search platforms like Google and Bing which will bring you, new customers, as well.

5. Stick to your strategies

It is going to take a while for your social media presence to take off and for your ads to perform well. Nothing is built in a day. Stay consistent. Provide constant engagement via your social media profiles.

  • Keep asserting your brand presence and keep collecting useful customer data to run your ads.
  • Learn from which campaigns work and what does not and keep evolving. Organic growth takes time.

So, stick to your convictions and focus on building your customer lists.

The Next Steps

You should start working on your Social media strategies already to reap all the wonderful opportunities of growth it gives your online store.

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