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5 Harmful Errors – SMM Managers Do

The Dead of the corporate group is a stumbling block most SMM-specialists. Sometimes subscribers refuse to respond even to the most useful content. However, few know that the situation may change dramatically, if you look at the error and review the policy of working with the audience.

Now, briefly about the main errors SMM-Manager and advice on their elimination:

Indifference to the interests

Even the most exclusive article can go unnoticed if it is not oriented for the needs of the target audience. Try to find out what issues of concern to your subscribers and create content that will help to solve these problems.

Post and forget

To Publish content and not to pay attention to the reaction — direct road to failure.

Put yourself in the place of the subscriber or potential community member: you asked a question, and you have ignored, you’re not the actual information. Do you want to continue monologue or join the community? Remember that no comment should not remain without attention because subscribers — your greatest asset.

Use shadow methods

Buying bots, cheats likes, fake contests — it’own goal. On the one hand. You scored a goal, but the question is where? Yourself? And then you hope to win?…. If you want to have an ongoing dialogue with your subscribers, you have to be with them honest. For example, to improve the content, instead of buying likes; play standing prizes and give them to the winners, not friends or colleagues.

Also Read


One of the main functions SMM-Manager — regular update news feeds. If the subscriber look in your group in August and will see that the last publication was in March, he decides that the group abandoned. Most likely, he will accomplish your goal, and will leave the group competitor. So, if you created a group on social networks, you do not drop it.

Ignoring statistics

Most of the social networks provide their users with statistics, because the aim of promoting social networks — getting traffic and conversion. Analyze the level of activity in periods of previous advertising campaigns, refuse ineffective techniques and make efforts to repeated the results of successful action.

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