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12 Killer eCommerce Marketing Strategies

The internet and advancements in technology have shrunk the world and given you limitless opportunities in the form of eCommerce.  But with opportunities come the competition as well and hence, you have to employ the best marketing strategies to get ahead and shine.

Being the best is just not enough, you have to show that you are the best. And that’s exactly what your marketing should be doing for you. Here are some killer tips to make sure you are on the right path to success.

1. Choose Your Shopping Cart Wisely

Shopping carts are one of the basic building blocks of any eCommerce store. There are several eCommerce shopping carts available but the market giants that you should really check out are:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • BigCommerce

The major aspect that you need to factor in while selecting your shopping cart is the SEO capabilities it provides.

Look for – features that let you run ads, design search optimizations and ability to integrate with popular social media platforms. The cart should scale well enough for you to expand your store seamlessly.

Another huge factor that should help you choose your cart is the technical and tracking support they provide.

2. Optimize Your Product Pages

All the work done by SEO and ad campaigns will not bear fruit if you fail to optimize your product pages. You need to showcase your product and make it easily findable on the huge haystack called the internet.

Make sure your pages are designed with SEO in mind. This starts with simple considerations like:

  • Appropriate product titles that people would search for.
  • Write a good description with emphasizing product title
  • Make your sales pitch attractive, concise and up to date.
  • Page design should be easy for interaction and user interface.
  • Give focus to visual information. Product photography, product videos can add a lot of value to your product pages.
  • Make sure you present all your product details and offers in a pleasing way. Shipping details, offers, and reviews can all be used to make sure your leads turn into sales.

3. Add a Schema Markup to Your Product Page

A schema markup lets you take advantage of Google’s product rich cards. This lets your audience get a view of your product before even visiting your page just as they are searching in Google. This adds visibility to your products and gives you an edge over your competition.

Google has a Schema markup testing tool which you must checkout right away to see if your product page has proper schema markup. This can be easily automated if you use a shopping cart like Shopify or Woocommerce.

4. Optimize Your Product Feed Using Google Merchant Centre

This step is necessary to ensure that your efforts and money spent on Google shopping ads do not end up in vain. Check and double-check your product feed to make sure that the information like description, title, images, and stock and price details is precise.

5. Use Google Shopping Ads

Is there anyone out there who does not use Google when it comes to online shopping? Running Google shopping ads is not optional anymore. You need these ads to stay in online business. Thus, run Google product ads and make sure you optimize them.

  • Track your results and work on top of it to make sure your ads perform well.
  • Focus and invest more on ads that bring in higher ROI and cut off expenses on those that don’t.

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6. Dynamic Re-targeting Campaigns

These are basically ads that help you entice previous customers or people who showed an interest in your products. You target and run relevant ads based on Google ads to people who previously interacted with your store. This helps in significantly increasing saleable leads.

These ads display banners across the Google display network nudging your target audience into checking out your products. This strategy can be implemented in social media like Facebook and Instagram as well. When people keep seeing your ad everywhere, they eventually will cave in and buy.

7. Facebook and Instagram ads

People are always on Facebook and Instagram. These are like global message boards that anyone can see. Do place your product ads in these platforms to gain that much-needed visibility.

These platforms also provide a comprehensible tracking and dynamic ads campaigns that will be very helpful in targeting both narrow and broad audience effectively. Your ads can appeal to the right audience in a personal way and push them to make that purchase.

8. Employ an Organic Investment into Social Media Marketing

It is not a bad idea to hire a helping hand to deal with organic social media marketing. Dedicated efforts must go into posting relevant content and maintaining constant engagement with the audience. This kind of organic presence cannot be made unless you specifically pay attention to your social media outlets. It provides a personal touch to your store and gives you insights into the real concerns and queries of your consumer base.

This is a great way to spread the word and build your brand.

9. Automate Your Email Marketing

Never forget the ubiquitous nature of emails in the online world. Automate your email marketing to ensure your campaigns reach your consumer base. Email marketing is a great player when it comes to re-targeting and bringing back old customers. This hugely beneficial strategy is quite simple to set up and implement as well. You can set it up once for the whole year if you have fixed promotions coming along.

You can also remind buyers to leave a review on your product page via email notifications. The applications are email marketing are huge. Get creative with emails and make the best use of it.

10. Text Message Marketing

Marketing via SMS is quite important as these short messages have a higher probability of getting viewed than emails. Text messages show up as notifications and thus,it is essential to ensure that there is no time lag. This would help you in advertising your short-run deals and limited-time sales.

11. Use a CRM

Passing off your cart data as CRM does not really cut it when you want real benefits. Integrating your existing cart data with an actual CRM helps you gather up useful customer data which in turn can be used effectively in re-targeted marketing.

Employing CRM helps you build more information on top of what you already have. This gives you valuable information that will save you a lot of wasted efforts that go into marketing to the wrong audience. Follow-Ups become easier with a properly maintained CRM. Knowing your customers is the best way to sell a product after all.

12. Create a Customer Care Package

Make your customers feel special and make that extra effort to turn them loyal. Package your items to give a personal touch. Add in a membership to a loyalty program, coupons, referral cards and such to make them feel closer to your brand.

A care package helps you create a relationship with your customer and increases the probability of them making another purchase.

Your Turn

Take the tactics and strategies outlined above from successful online sellers to help you increase your eCommerce sales and keep your business growing so you can succeed. Make sure you cover these basics to be successful online.

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